A place for musings, observations, design notes, quick tips...
thought gists, if you like.
Audiolising Graphs
This demonstration of an auditory representation of a (visual) graph in Swift Charts is wild: Vectorized and function plots in Swift Charts at WWDC24.
Week 22
- I noted that there’s a difference between Anomaly detection and Outlier detection.
- Word of the week ~ enjambement
enjambement: (in verse) the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
- As an aside, I find Rust as a language fiendishly complex at a first glance, and I’m amazed by people who find it so straightforward. Having said that, I’d much rather have lived in a universe where Rust was the first ’low-level’ language I learnt instead of C.
Week 21
- Discovered the concept of similarity graphs through a talk on Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) for Dimension Reduction at SciPy 2018.
- Word of the week ~ grimoire, from French, an alteration of “grammaire” (grammar)
grimoire: a book of magic spells and invocations.
- Also, in the world of books: The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy.